Digital Learning Resources for Staff

Are you an IRC staff member who is looking to improve your digital skills? Maybe you’re not used to working with the kind of computer you were given for your job, or maybe you’re new to Outlook and Teams. There are resources on this page that can help you learn new skills and improve your existing knowledge. Most of these resources were not created by the IRC, but we have chosen them because they are applicable to our work at the IRC.

In-Person Help at the Public Library

One-on-One Digital Help, Spokane

The Spokane Public Library system provides one-on-one technology help. Their website says they can help you if you, “need help with your digital device or have an issue with your computer and needs some advice on how to fix (it).” 
The Spokane Public Library system also hosts free technology classes taught by Goodwill. They cover a range of topics. Click the Tech Classes button for more info.

In-Person Digital Tutoring, Seattle

The Seattle Public Library provides one-on-one digital skill tutoring. They can help you with the following topics: setting up a free email address, mastering basic email, computer, and internet skills, and learning how to use Microsoft Word.

To set up an appointment, call 206-386-4636. (Please note the King County library system does not currently provide this service.) 

Self-Guided Online Classes:

General Topics:

Digital Learn has a fantastic range of videos that cover topics such as, getting started on a computer, intro to email, using a PC, using a Mac, the benefits of using a computer, introduction to Google Maps, etc. The videos range from 6-28 minutes, so they are manageable to fit into a busy schedule.

General Topics and Microsoft Systems Support:

Microsoft and Linkedin put together these short and informative videos. There are even some resources in other languages. Click the homepage button and scroll down the page to view other language resources. If you view these videos but feel that further training is necessary, we recommend enrolling in some of the self-guided Kaya courses listed in the next section. 

IRC Facilitated Online Classes:

Self-Guided Technology Classes:

Kaya has a great range of self-guided training courses about the online and digital systems that we use every day in our work at the IRC. If you do not see a video listed below for a particular system or skill you would like to learn more about, please log in to Kaya and use the search function to see if there is a course available relating to that topic.  

You will need to log into your Kaya account to access these videos. If you have never accessed Kaya and need help with this, talk to your supervisor. 

Live Instructor-Taught Technology Classes:

You can attend classes on zoom that are held by an instructor and provide live technology training to IRC employees. Access the calendar and registration links by clicking on the button below: